This is the camera I used in college. It is my dad's Pentax K1000. The original idea for this was a grid of the lens and tools I got from my dad with the camera. However, it became very clear that i couldn't get high enough in my apartement to take that photo. I started playing around with the K1000 facing the D3500 with and without the lens cap. The lens capped pictures looked bland. Without the lens cap I was able to mess around with the depth of field. At like f/22 the pictured looked really flat. I believe this is at f1/8; so that is almost open all the way. That brings the lens into focus while everything else is blurry. One thing I found while I was editing the picture was that while the camera and the table were level, the picture itself was skewed. Thankfully the editor I'm using made that an easy fix.
I wonder if I can adjust the focus to focus on the mirror behind the lens. Things to think about down the road.
Till next week - excelsior.